
搜索结果 8:

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    Finland Vegan Ice Cream Market 2024

    根据最新研究, the vegan ice cream market in Finland is poised to grow by USD 27.8 期间百万 2024-2029, 复合年增长率为 8.1% 在预测期内. The demand for vegan ice cream has been

    美元 175
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    Finland Wine Market 2024

    根据最新分析, the wine in Finland market was USD 1,495 百万 2023 预计将达到美元 1,724 百万 2029 复合年增长率为 2.4% 在预测期内, 2024-2029. Wine festivals and events

    美元 175
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    Finland Carbonated Soft Drinks Market 2024

    The latest analysis predicts carbonated soft drinks market in Finland will grow from USD 1,526 百万 2023 兑美元 2,080 百万 2029, 复合年增长率达到 5.3 百分, according to the latest edition of the Carbonated Soft Drinks

    美元 250
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    Finland Ice Cream Market 2024

    The ice cream market in Finland is anticipated to increase by USD 117.7 百万直到 2029 年均增长 2.8 根据最新市场估计的百分比. Responding to the increasing demand for healthier and diverse dietary

    美元 250
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    芬兰能量饮料市场 2024

    根据最新估计, 芬兰的能量饮料市场将实现美元的增量增长 345.4 百万, 以近乎复合年增长率加速 10% 在预测期内 2024-2029. Energy drinks have become increasingly popular

    美元 250
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    Finland Bottled Water Market 2024

    根据最新估计, the bottled water market in Finland is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 252.4 百万, 以近乎复合年增长率加速 7.3% 在预测期内 2024-2029. Increasing health and wellness awareness is

    美元 250
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    Finland Coffee Market 2024

    根据最新研究, the coffee market in Finland is poised to grow by USD 23.8 期间百万 2024-2029, 复合年增长率为 0.8% 在预测期内. 咖啡, containing caffeine, serves as a natural stimulant that enhances

    美元 250
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    芬兰啤酒市场 2024

    根据最新估计, the beer market in Finland is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 0.7 十亿, 以近乎复合年增长率加速 3.3% 在预测期内 2024-2029. 精酿啤酒厂彻底改变了啤酒行业…

    美元 250
