
搜索结果 3:

  • 占位

    Plant-Based Protein Beverages Market in USA

    The plant-based protein beverages market in USA was around 2,440 百万美元 2019, 到达 2,862 百万美元 2020 (增加了 17.3% 去年同期), 根据StrategyHelix’ 分析.

    美元 5
  • 占位

    Mattress Market in USA

    A statistic by StrategyHelix indicates that the mattress market in USA is set to grow at a healthy compound annual growth rate (复合年增长率) 的 2.7% 未来五年.

    美元 10
  • 占位

    Legal Cannabis Market in USA

    The legal cannabis market in USA was around 12,965 百万美元 2019, 到达 15,774 百万美元 2020 (增加了 21.7% 去年同期), 根据StrategyHelix’ 分析.

    美元 5
