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    Indonesia Energy Drinks Market 2024

    According to the latest data, the market size of the energy drinks industry in Indonesia is expected to rise by USD 86.4 million with a CAGR of 6.2% by the end of 2029. Energy drinks are beverages that contain stimulant

    USD 250
  • Espaço reservado

    Indonesia Bottled Water Market 2024

    According to the latest data, the market size of the bottled water industry in Indonesia is expected to rise by USD 2.5 billion with a CAGR of 8.3% by the end of 2029. Despite significant improvements in water treatment infrastructure,…

    USD 250
  • Espaço reservado

    Mercado de Café da Indonésia 2024

    De acordo com as últimas estimativas, o mercado cafeeiro na Indonésia deverá atingir um crescimento incremental de dólares 1.2 bilhão, acelerando em um CAGR de quase 5.5% durante o período de previsão 2024-2029. Café contém cafeína, a natural stimulant that

    USD 250
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