
Showing all 9 결과

  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Wine Market 2024

    The wine in Lebanon market is expected to increase by USD 285.1 백만, 복합 연간 성장률로 (CAGR) ~의 19.4% ~에서 2024 에게 2029, according to the latest edition of the Wine Market in Lebanon Report. As lifestyles

    미화 125
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Men’s Grooming Products Market 2024

    The men’s grooming products market in Lebanon is likely to register a CAGR of over 29.8% USD의 점진적인 성장으로 244.6 예측 기간 동안 백만 달러 2024-2029. There has been a notable cultural shift towards greater acceptance and

    미화 250
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Carbonated Soft Drinks Market 2024

    The latest analysis predicts carbonated soft drinks market in Lebanon will grow from USD 1,206 백만 단위 2023 USD로 4,036 백만 단위로 2029, CAGR 달성 22.3 퍼센트, 탄산청량음료 최신판에 따르면…

    미화 250
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Ice Cream Market 2024

    The ice cream market in Lebanon is anticipated to increase by USD 26.0 백만까지 2029 연평균 성장으로 9.9 최신 시장 추정에 따른 비율. Rising per capita income has led to higher consumer expenditure

    미화 250
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Perfume Market 2024

    The perfume market in Lebanon is anticipated to increase by USD 399.9 백만까지 2029 연평균 성장으로 36.3 최신 시장 추정에 따른 비율. The rapid urbanization of Lebanon is leading to a higher concentration

    미화 250
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Beer Market 2024

    The beer market in Lebanon was estimated at USD 1,028 백만 단위 2023 USD에 도달할 것으로 예상됩니다. 2,149 백만 단위로 2029, CAGR 등록 13.1% ~에서 2024 에게 2029 최신 시장 추정에 따르면. Craft breweries

    미화 250
  • 판매! 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Bath Products Market 2023

    최신 연구에 따르면, the bath products market in Lebanon is poised to grow by USD 184.7 동안 백만 2023-2028, CAGR로 진행 중 12.9% 예측 기간 동안. This expansion is being driven by an increase in

    원래 가격은: 미화 250달러.현재 가격은: 미화 175달러.
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Feminine Hygiene Products Market 2024

    The feminine hygiene products in Lebanon market size is projected to grow by USD 250.4 백만에서 2024 에게 2029, CAGR 등록 18.6 퍼센트, 최신 시장 데이터에 따르면. Feminine hygiene products, which include tampons, 생리대,…

    미화 200
  • 자리 표시자

    Lebanon Air Conditioning Market 2022

    최근 추정에 따르면, the air conditioning market in Lebanon is set to post a decline of 18.0 천 단위, decelerating at a CAGR of almost 0% 예측 기간 동안 2022-2027. Air conditioning plays a crucial role in

    미화 75
맨위로 스크롤
