
1개 보여주기–10 ~의 14 결과

  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Wine Market 2024

    최신 연구에 따르면, the wine market in Peru is poised to grow by USD 215.1 동안 백만 2024-2029, CAGR로 진행 중 10.7% 예측 기간 동안. As lifestyles in the Peru become more westernized, wine is

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Carbonated Soft Drinks Market 2024

    최근 추정에 따르면, the carbonated soft drinks market in Peru is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 0.9 10억, 거의 CAGR로 가속화 4.7% 예측 기간 동안 2024-2029. Increased disposable income within growing

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Ice Cream Market 2024

    최근 추정에 따르면, the ice cream market in Peru is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 130.5 백만, 거의 CAGR로 가속화 6.8% 예측 기간 동안 2024-2029. Economic expansion in the country has

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Baby Diapers Market 2024

    The baby diapers market in Peru is likely to register a CAGR of over 3% USD의 점진적인 성장으로 97.6 예측 기간 동안 백만 달러 2024-2029. The nation’s rising birth rates are driven by increasing population sizes and

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Perfume Market 2024

    최근 추정에 따르면, the perfume market in Peru is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 198.7 백만, 거의 CAGR로 가속화 5.1% 예측 기간 동안 2024-2029. Peru’s rapid urbanization is resulting in a

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Energy Drinks Market 2024

    The energy drinks market in Peru is likely to register a CAGR of over 9.5% USD의 점진적인 성장으로 167.5 예측 기간 동안 백만 달러 2024-2029. Energy drinks have risen in prominence owing to their ability to rapidly

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Bottled Water Market 2024

    The bottled water market in Peru is likely to register a CAGR of over 9.4% USD의 점진적인 성장으로 268.7 예측 기간 동안 백만 달러 2024-2029. Concerns over water quality are a major driver of growth in the

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  • 자리 표시자

    Peru Coffee Market 2024

    최신 데이터에 따르면, the market size of the coffee industry in Peru is expected to rise by USD 96.2 CAGR: 백만 7% 말까지 2029. 커피, 카페인 함유, serves as a natural stimulant

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  • 자리 표시자

    페루 치실 시장 2024

    페루 시장의 치실은 USD로 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다. 1.2 백만, 복합 연간 성장률로 (CAGR) ~의 6.6% ~에서 2024 에게 2029, 페루 치실 시장 최신판 보고서에 따르면….

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  • 자리 표시자

    페루 맥주 시장 2024

    The beer market in Peru is likely to register a CAGR of over 9.8% USD의 점진적인 성장으로 3.1 예측 기간 동안 10억 달러 2024-2029. The advent of artisanal breweries has greatly augmented the diversity of flavors within

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맨위로 스크롤
