
Showing all 5 결과

  • 자리 표시자

    Architectural Paints Market in USA

    The architectural paints market in USA was around 2,652 천 톤 2019, 도달했다 2,712 천 톤 2020 (증가 2.3% 전년 대비), StrategyHelix에 따르면.

    미화 10
  • 자리 표시자

    Joint Replacement Surgical Robots Market in USA

    A statistic by StrategyHelix indicates that the joint replacement surgical robots market in USA is expected to increase by US$ 1,170 백만에서 2021 에게 2027, 의 CAGR 획득 17.5% 예측 기간 동안.

    미화 10
  • 자리 표시자

    Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market in USA

    A statistic by StrategyHelix indicates that the laparoscopic surgical robot market in USA is expected to increase by US$ 3,801 백만에서 2021 에게 2027, 의 CAGR 획득 13.6% 예측 기간 동안.

    미화 10
  • 자리 표시자

    Self-Propelled Combine Harvester Market in USA

    The self-propelled combine harvester market in USA was around 5 천 단위 2019, 도달했다 5 천 단위 2020 (증가 1.6% 전년 대비), StrategyHelix에 따르면.

    미화 5
  • 자리 표시자

    Farm Wheel Tractor Market in USA

    The farm wheel tractor market in USA was around 245 천 단위 2019, 도달했다 277 천 단위 2020 (증가 13.4% 전년 대비), StrategyHelix에 따르면’ 분석.

    미화 10
맨위로 스크롤
