
Showing all 2 results

  • Sale! Placeholder

    US Data Center Power Market – چشم انداز و پیش بینی 2022-2027

    The data center power market in the United States is currently valued at $7.24 billion and is projected to reach $8.85 میلیارد توسط 2027, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) از 3.41% از جانب 2021 به 2026. In 2021,

    قیمت اصلی بود: USD 3,750.قیمت فعلی است: USD 2,250.
  • Sale! Placeholder

    US Power Rental Market – چشم انداز و پیش بینی 2023-2029

    The U.S. Power Rental market is expected to experience steady growth over the next several years. It is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) از 4.29% از جانب 2022 به 2029, reaching a market size of USD

    قیمت اصلی بود: USD 2,500.قیمت فعلی است: USD 1,500.
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