
Showing all 3 resultate

  • Plekhouer

    Venezuela Cooking and Edible Oils Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste data, the market size of the cooking and edible oils industry in Venezuela is expected to rise by USD 0.5 miljoen met 'n CAGR van 7.3% teen die einde van 2029. The Venezuela cooking and edible

    USD 100
  • Plekhouer

    Venezuela Condiments and Sauces Market 2024

    The condiments and sauces market in Venezuela is likely to register a CAGR of over 4.9% met 'n inkrementele groei van USD 4.2 miljoen gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2024-2029. The trend towards home dining has significantly influenced the growth of

    USD 75
  • Plekhouer

    Venezuela Milk Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste ontleding, the milk market in Venezuela is estimated to increase at the rate of 4.6% elke jaar in die tydperk vanaf 2024 aan 2029. The Venezuela milk market is driven by increasing health consciousness and the growing

    USD 100
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