
Showing 1–10 van 13 resultate

  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Toilet Paper Market 2024

    The toilet paper in Jordan market is expected to increase by USD 20.8 miljoen, teen 'n saamgestelde jaarlikse groeikoers (CAGR) van 9.2% van 2024 aan 2029, according to the latest edition of the Toilet Paper Market in Jordan Report….

    USD 100
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Toothbrushes Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste navorsing, the toothbrushes market in Jordan is poised to grow by USD 8.6 miljoen tydens 2024-2029, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 6% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The Jordan toothbrush market is primarily driven by increasing public

    USD 100
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Toothpaste Market 2024

    The toothpaste market in Jordan is likely to register a CAGR of over 6.1% met 'n inkrementele groei van USD 18.3 miljoen gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2024-2029. The Jordan toothpaste market is gradually expanding, driven by increasing consumer awareness of

    USD 150
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Depilatory Products Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste markstudie resultate, the depilatory products market in Jordan is predicted to be growing at a CAGR of over 7.4% van 2024 aan 2029. The Jordan depilatory products market is experiencing growth due to increasing consumer

    USD 225
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Body Care Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste ontleding, the body care market in Jordan is estimated to increase at the rate of 6.9% elke jaar in die tydperk vanaf 2024 aan 2029. The Jordan Body Care market is driven by a youthful and increasingly

    USD 75
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Adult Incontinence Products Market 2024

    The adult incontinence products market in Jordan is projected to expand at a CAGR of ~8.4 percent across the forecast period of 2024 – 2029, according to the latest edition of the Adult Incontinence Products in Jordan Market Report. As

    USD 200
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Hair Care Products Market 2024

    The hair care products market in Jordan is projected to rise by USD 53.7 miljoen deur 2029, volgens die jongste markstudie resultate. Daar word verwag om uit te brei teen 'n CAGR van 5.4 persent gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The

    USD 350
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Deodorants Market 2024

    The deodorants market in Jordan is anticipated to increase by USD 13.2 miljoen tot 2029 teen 'n gemiddelde jaarlikse groei van 5.9 persent volgens die jongste markskattings. The Jordan deodorants market is driven by rising urbanization and increasing

    USD 275
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Men’s Grooming Products Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste navorsing, the men’s grooming products market in Jordan is poised to grow by USD 27.3 miljoen tydens 2024-2029, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 6.9% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. Urbanization is heightening the emphasis on professional appearance

    USD 250
  • Plekhouer

    Jordan Baby Diapers Market 2024

    The baby diapers in Jordan market size is projected to grow by USD 16.8 miljoen van 2024 aan 2029, registrasie van 'n CAGR van 4.1 persent, volgens die jongste markdata. Disposable diapers enable convenient, discreet attending to infant sanitary

    USD 250
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