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    Thailand Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The Thailand laundry appliances market is on track for slight growth, dự kiến ​​sẽ mở rộng từ USD 1,025.7 triệu in 2023 đến USD 1,312.9 triệu bởi 2029, với một CAGR của 4.2% Trong thời gian đánh giá. Ở Thái Lan, rapid urbanization and a growing middle class are key drivers of the home laundry appliances market. As dispos

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    Taiwan Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Dự báo sẽ phát triển với tốc độ vừa phải, the Taiwan laundry appliances market size is expected to reach USD 1,230.8 triệu bởi 2029, Lên từ USD 892.6 triệu in 2023, dẫn đến CAGR của 5.5%. Taiwan’s home laundry appliances market is driven by a preference for compact, energy-efficient appliances, particularly in smaller urban homes. As con

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    Sri Lanka Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Driven by strong market fundamentals, the Sri Lanka laundry appliances market is expected to achieve rapid growth, adding USD 20.7 million in value and delivering a CAGR of approximately 10.3% through the forecast period. The home laundry appliances market in Sri Lanka is growing as urbanization accelerates and the middle class expands. Consumers are becomi

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    South Korea Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Insights reveal that the South Korea laundry appliances market is set for a healthy expansion, with an anticipated growth of USD 3.8 tỷ, corresponding to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) của gần 8.4% từ 2024 ĐẾN 2029. In South Korea, technological innovation is driving the home laundry appliances market. Consumers are increasingly opting for sm

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    Singapore Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The Singapore laundry appliances market is poised for gradual expansion, dự đoán sẽ phát triển bởi USD 58.6 million with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) của xung quanh 4.2% trong suốt 2024 ĐẾN 2029 thời gian dự báo. Singapore’s home laundry appliances market is fueled by the demand for compact, high-performance products in an urban environment with limited space….

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    Philippines Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The Philippines laundry appliances market is poised for moderate growth, projected to increase from USD 559.2 triệu in 2023 đến USD 872.7 triệu bởi 2029, đạt được CAGR của 7.7% Trong thời gian dự báo. In the Philippines, urbanization and an expanding middle class are driving the demand for home laundry appliances. As disposable incomes increa

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    Pakistan Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Expected to witness rapid expansion, the Pakistan laundry appliances market is likely to increase from USD 1,075.2 triệu in 2023 đến USD 1,915.2 triệu bởi 2029, đăng ký CAGR của 10.1% Trong thời gian dự báo. In Pakistan, the demand for home laundry appliances is growing as more people in urban areas seek modern household conven

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    Myanmar Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The Myanmar laundry appliances market is poised for steady growth, với mức tăng dự kiến ​​của USD 28.1 triệu, phản ánh tốc độ tăng trưởng hàng năm (CAGR) của khoảng 8.3% từ 2024 ĐẾN 2029. In Myanmar, the home laundry appliances market is in its early stages but is set to grow as the country becomes more urbani

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    Malaysia Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Projected growth in the Malaysia laundry appliances market includes an incremental increase of USD 82.6 triệu, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) của gần 4% bởi vì 2029. Malaysia’s home laundry appliances market is benefiting from rapid urbanization, higher disposable incomes, and a growing preference for modern home appliances. As consumers increasingly seek convenience and ef

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    Laos Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The market for laundry appliances is set for moderate growth, với các dự đoán cho thấy sự gia tăng của USD 1.6 triệu và tốc độ tăng trưởng hàng năm (CAGR) gần 5.2% Trong khoảng thời gian dự báo. In Laos, the home laundry appliances market is growing as urbanization and income levels rise. As more households move into cities, there is inc

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    Kazakhstan Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    The Kazakhstan laundry appliances market is anticipated to witness significant growth, với một sự gia tăng dự kiến ​​của USD 236.4 triệu, tương đương với tốc độ tăng trưởng hàng năm (CAGR) của về 9.7% Trong những năm tới. In Kazakhstan, the home laundry appliances market is seeing growth due to rising incomes and the urbanization of the population. As mor

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    Japan Laundry Appliances Market 2024

    Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Japan laundry appliances market, with a projected increase of USD 1.5 tỷ và một tốc độ tăng trưởng hàng năm gộp (CAGR) close to 5.2% bởi vì 2029. Japan’s home laundry appliances market is driven by a combination of technological innovation and the need for space-saving appliances in compact living enviro

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