
Showing 5011–5020 ile ilgili 8368 results

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    Strontium Carbonide Market in China

    A statistic by StrategyHelix indicates that the strontium carbonide market in China, hacim açısından, is expected to expand at a CAGR of 4.2% in the next five years.

    Amerikan Doları 15
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    Barium Sulfate Market in China

    Şu tarihte: 4% CAGR, the barium sulfate market in China is projected to reach 721 bin ton 2027, veri ve analiz şirketi StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Barium Carbonate Market in China

    Şu tarihte: 3.9% CAGR, the barium carbonate market in China is projected to reach 727 bin ton 2027, veri ve analiz şirketi StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Food Additives Market in China

    The food additives market in China is projected to expand by a CAGR of 0.7% itibaren 2021 başından sonuna kadar 2027, StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Mesotrione Market in China

    Çin'de, following a significant (-32.5%) contraction in 2019, mesotrione market in terms of volume rose moderately (2.5%), ulaşmak 3,502 tons in 2020, StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 15
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    Flake Graphite Market in China

    The flake graphite market in China was around 868 thousand tons in 2020, reached 1,021 thousand tons in 2021 (an increase of 17.6% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 20
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    Potassium Nitrate Market in China

    Çin'de, hafif bir takip (-1.6%) contraction in 2020, potassium nitrate market in terms of volume rose moderately (3.3%), ulaşmak 1,039 thousand tons in 2021, StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 20
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    Boron Carbide Market in China

    StratejiHelix'e göre, the boron carbide market in China was equal to 5,920 tons in 2020. Until 2027, the market is forecast to reach 8,388 tons by 2027, CAGR'nin kaydedilmesi 4.8% over the review period.

    Amerikan Doları 25
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    Graphene Market in China

    The graphene market in China was around 2,334 milyon ABD doları 2020, reached 3,621 milyon ABD doları 2021 (an increase of 55.1% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Automotive Coatings Market in China

    The automotive coatings market in China is set to increase by US$ 1,148 milyon itibaren 2021 ile 2027, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ile ilgili 3.8% tahmin dönemi boyunca.

    Amerikan Doları 30
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