
Showing 41–50 ile ilgili 60 results

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    CRO (Contract Research Organization) Çin'deki Pazar

    A statistic by StrategyHelix indicates that the CRO (contract research organization) market in China is expected to increase by US$ 23,328 milyon itibaren 2021 ile 2027, garnering a CAGR of 21.9% tahmin dönemi boyunca.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Healthcare Financing Market in China

    Çin'de, following a significant (-54.6%) contraction in 2019, healthcare financing market in terms of revenue rose dramatically (68.8%), ulaşmak 25,762 billion USD in 2020, StratejiHelix'e göre’ study.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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    Public Hospitals Insulin and Analogues Sales Market in China

    The public hospitals insulin and analogues sales market in China was around 3,625 milyon ABD doları 2019, reached 3,878 milyon ABD doları 2020 (an increase of 7% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Medical Beauty Investment Market in China

    Çin'de, following a significant (-59.1%) contraction in 2019, medical beauty investment market in terms of revenue rose dramatically (14.6%), ulaşmak 1,416 milyon ABD doları 2020, StratejiHelix'e göre’ study.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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    Medical Beauty Service End Industry Market in China

    The medical beauty service end industry market in China is projected to expand by a CAGR of 9.1% itibaren 2021 başından sonuna kadar 2027, StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Medical Beauty Service Market in China

    Çin'de, following a significant (13%) yükselmek 2019, medical beauty service market in terms of revenue declined dramatically (-18%), ulaşmak 17 billion USD in 2020, StratejiHelix'e göre.

    Amerikan Doları 10
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    Medical Artificial Intelligence Investment and Financing Market in China

    The medical artificial intelligence investment and financing market in China was around 642 milyon ABD doları 2019, reached 716 milyon ABD doları 2020 (an increase of 11.6% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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    Medical Information Technology Investment and Financing Market in China

    Çin'de, hafif bir takip (-3.2%) contraction in 2019, medical information technology investment and financing market in terms of revenue rose dramatically (77%), ulaşmak 1,892 milyon ABD doları 2020, StratejiHelix'e göre’ study.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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    Medical IT Solutions Market in China

    The medical IT solutions market in China was around 34 billion USD in 2019, reached 43 billion USD in 2020 (an increase of 27.3% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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    Medical Big Data Market in China

    The medical big data market in China was around 1,526 milyon ABD doları 2019, reached 2,166 milyon ABD doları 2020 (an increase of 42% year-on-year), StratejiHelix'e göre’ analiz.

    Amerikan Doları 5
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