Anticipated growth in the Asia Pacific RTD coffee market stands at USD 5.7 miljard, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) av ungefär 4.3% during the period spanning 2024 till 2029. In Asia Pacific, the RTD coffee market is experiencing significant growth due to increasing disposable incomes, urbanization, and the rising preference for westernized coffee culture. Countries like Japan and South Korea have well-established coffee cultures, where iced and canned coffee drinks are becoming everyday staples. Younger consumers, especially millennials, are driving the demand for convenient, ready-to-consume beverages with a variety of flavors, such as vanilla and caramel, and healthier options like cold brew and sugar-free drinks. Dessutom, the growing trend towards wellness and functional beverages, including RTD coffee enriched with antioxidants and vitamins, is expanding the market.
The report delivers an in-depth analysis of the Asia Pacific RTD coffee industry, Erbjuder omfattande marknadsdata som historisk marknadsstorlek, tillväxtbanor, och framåtblickande prognoser. Den undersöker grundligt viktiga marknadskategorier och underkategorier, emphasizing critical elements like type, distribution channel and country. Genom att erbjuda denna detaljerade analys, the report assists in uncovering the untapped potential of the RTD coffee market.
The following outlines the segmentation of the Asia Pacific RTD coffee market:
Typ: regelbunden, low/no sugar
Distributionskanal: närbutiker, förhandsföretag, stormarknader och stormarknader, livsmedelsaffärer, vending, e-handel, foodservice channels, andra
Country: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Sydkorea, Thailand, Vietnam, andra
The Asia Pacific RTD coffee market is categorized by type, distribution channel and country. The market is classified by type into regular, and low/no sugar. Distributionskanalsegmentering inkluderar närbutiker, förhandsföretag, stormarknader och stormarknader, livsmedelsaffärer, vending, e-handel, foodservice channels, med flera. Geographically, the market encompasses Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Sydkorea, Thailand, Vietnam and others.
Key players dominating the RTD coffee market include Uni-President Enterprises Corporation, UCC Ueshima Coffee Co. Ltd., Tully’s Coffee Corp, TIRTA FRESINDO JAYA PT, Ting Hsin International Group, Coca-Cola Company, Suntory Holdings Limited, Starbucks Corporation, PT. Kapal Api Global, PT Wings Surya, Nestle S.A., Morinaga & Company Ltd., Maeil Dairies Co. Ltd., Lotte corporation, Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd., King Car Food Industrial Co. Ltd., DyDo Group Holdings Inc., Dong Suh Co. Ltd., Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. and Ajinomoto Co. Inkl.
This report delivers an in-depth examination of leading companies in the RTD coffee sector, analysera deras prestanda från 2019 till 2023. Resultaten indikerar förändringar i marknadsandelen, betonar både etablerade ledare och nya deltagare.
Varför köpa den här rapporten?
Obtain precise statistical data and forecasts for the Asia Pacific RTD coffee market.
Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Asia Pacific RTD coffee market: typ, distribution channel and country.
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Utvärdera det konkurrenskraftiga landskapet för att bestämma den ideala tidpunkten för att dra nytta av marknadsmöjligheterna.
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Viktiga resultat
Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market – Typanalys
Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market – Distributionskanalanalys
Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market – Country Analysis
Viktiga aktörer och marknadsandel
– Uni-President Enterprises Corporation
– UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd.
– Tully’s Coffee Corp
– Ting Hsin International Group
– Coca-Cola Company
– Suntory Holdings Limited
– Starbucks Corporation
– PT. Kapal Api Global
Makroekonomiska data och prognos
Siffror och bord
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market, Nettotillväxt, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market, Tillväxttakt, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Type, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Type, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Type, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Country, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Country, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market by Country, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market Share (%), av företag, 2019-2023
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market, av företag, 2023
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market Share (%), av varumärken, 2019-2023
Chart Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market, av varumärken, 2023
Table Asia Pacific – Befolkning (Miljoner) och prognos
Table Asia Pacific – Konsumentprisindex (KPI) och prognos
Table Asia Pacific – Bruttonationalprodukt och prognos
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market: Spendera som en del av BNP (%)
Table Asia Pacific RTD Coffee Market: Konsumtion per capita (Befolkning)
Nämnda företag
Uni-President Enterprises Corporation
UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd.
Tully’s Coffee Corp
Ting Hsin International Group
Coca-Cola Company
Suntory Holdings Limited
Starbucks Corporation
PT. Kapal Api Global
PT Wings Surya
Nestle S.A.
Morinaga & Company, Ltd.
Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd.
Lotte corporation
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.
King Car Food Industrial Co., Ltd.
DyDo Group Holdings, Inkl.
Dong Suh Co., Ltd.
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
Ajinomoto Co., Inkl.