Insights reveal that the Chile pet care market is set for a healthy expansion, with an anticipated growth of USD 1.3 miljard, corresponding to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) nästan 7.4% från 2024 till 2029. In Chile, the pet care market is being driven by a rising number of pet owners, särskilt i stadsområden, and an increasing focus on pet health and wellness. As more Chileans view pets as family members, there is a growing demand for high-quality, natural pet food, as well as pet products that cater to pets’ health and nutritional needs. The trend toward organic and premium pet food is also gaining momentum in Chile, with an increasing number of consumers willing to spend more on health-focused pet products.
This report provides a thorough assessment of the Chile pet care industry, presentera viktiga marknadsdata inklusive historiska prestationer, tillväxttrender, och framtida utsikter. Det går in i olika marknadssegment och underegment, med fokus på viktiga faktorer som produkttyp, pet type and distribution channel. Genom denna detaljerade bedömning, the report helps uncover the growth potential of the pet care industry.
The Chile pet care market is categorized into the following segments:
Produkttyp: pet food, pet products
Pet type: cat, dog, bird, fish, andra
Distributionskanal: rabatter, stormarknader och stormarknader, home product stores, pet stores, e-handel, veterinary clinics, andra
The pet care market in Chile is segmented across product type, pet type and distribution channel. In terms of product type, the market is segmented into pet food, and pet products. Pet type categories include cat, dog, bird, fish, med flera. Distribution channel segmentation includes discounters, stormarknader och stormarknader, home product stores, pet stores, e-handel, veterinary clinics, med flera.
Within the competitive landscape, significant companies profiled in the report include Virbac S.A., VAFO Group a.s., Schell & Kampeter Inc. (t/a Diamond Pet Foods Inc.), Nestle S.A., Molino Chacabuco S.A., Merck & Co. Inc., Mars införlivade, Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A., Josera petfood GmbH & Co. KG., INABA PETFOOD Co. Ltd., Empresas Iansa S.A., Empresas Carozzi S.A., Elanco Animal Health Incorporated, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Champion S.A., Boehringer Ingelheim Auslandsbeteiligungs GmbH, Aquamundo Ltda and Agricola Nacional SAC e I.
This comprehensive report analyzes the performance of leading companies in the pet care sector from 2019 till 2023. Resultaten belyser förändringar i marknadsandelar, avslöjar både etablerade marknadsledare och nya konkurrenter.
Varför köpa den här rapporten?
Obtain precise statistical data and forecasts for the Chile pet care market.
Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Chile pet care market: produkttyp, pet type and distribution channel.
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Utvärdera det konkurrenskraftiga landskapet för att bestämma den ideala tidpunkten för att dra nytta av marknadsmöjligheterna.
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Viktiga resultat
Chile Pet Care Market – Produkttypsanalys
Chile Pet Care Market – Pet Type Analysis
Chile Pet Care Market – Distributionskanalanalys
Viktiga aktörer och marknadsandel
– Virbac S.A.
– VAFO Group a.s.
– Schell & Kampeter, Inkl. (t/a Diamond Pet Foods Inc.)
– Nestle S.A.
– Molino Chacabuco S.A.
– Merck & Ko., Inkl.
– Mars, Inkorporerad
– Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A.
– Josera petfood GmbH & Co. Kg.
Makroekonomiska data och prognos
Siffror och bord
Table Chile Pet Care Market 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market, Nettotillväxt, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market, Tillväxttakt, 2019-2029
Table Chile Pet Care Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Product Type, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Table Chile Pet Care Market by Pet Type, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Pet Type, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Pet Type, 2019-2029
Table Chile Pet Care Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Chile Pet Care Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Table Chile Pet Care Market Share (%), av företag, 2019-2023
Chart Chile Pet Care Market, av företag, 2023
Table Chile Pet Care Market Share (%), av varumärken, 2019-2023
Chart Chile Pet Care Market, av varumärken, 2023
Bordskil – Befolkning (Miljoner) och prognos
Bordskil – Konsumentprisindex (KPI) och prognos
Bordskil – Bruttonationalprodukt och prognos
Table Chile Pet Care Market: Spendera som en del av BNP (%)
Table Chile Pet Care Market: Konsumtion per capita (Befolkning)
Nämnda företag
Virbac S.A.
VAFO Group a.s.
Schell & Kampeter, Inkl. (t/a Diamond Pet Foods Inc.)
Nestle S.A.
Molino Chacabuco S.A.
Merck & Ko., Inkl.
Mars, Inkorporerad
Laboratorio Drag Pharma Chile Invetec S.A.
Josera petfood GmbH & Co. Kg.
Empresas Iansa S.A.
Empresas Carozzi S.A.
Elanco Animal Health Incorporated
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Champion S.A.
Boehringer Ingelheim Auslandsbeteiligungs GmbH
Aquamundo Ltda
Agricola Nacional SAC e I