Self-Service Kiosks Market in USA 2022


Also sometimes known as an interactive kiosk, a self service kiosk is essentially a device that allows a consumer to interact directly with a company, receiving a service at their own convenience. A key benefit of self-service kiosks is that they can speed up routine processes, increase throughput and consequently decrease delays and queues. The self-service kiosks market in USA is poised to grow by US$ 1,079.9 백만에서 2022 에게 2028, CAGR 등록 6.1% 예측 기간 동안, StrategyHelix에 따르면.

이 보고서는 기간 동안 최신 시장 규모 데이터를 제공합니다. 2018-2021 그리고 예측 2028 covering key market aspects like sales value for self-service kiosks. The USA self-service kiosks market is segmented on the basis of application, 그리고 최종 사용자. 신청으로, the self-service kiosks market in USA has been segmented into bill payment kiosks, bitcoin kiosks, check-in kiosks, check-out kiosks, digital signage kiosks, financial services kiosks, self-ordering kiosks, 다른 사람. ~ 안에 2021, the check-in kiosks segment made up the largest share of revenue generated by the self-service kiosks market. 최종 사용자 기준, the self-service kiosks market in USA is categorized into education institutions, financial services, 정부, hospitality & entertainment, medical/healthcare, 레스토랑, 소매, travel & 운송, 다른 사람. The retail segment was the largest contributor to the USA self-service kiosks market in 2021.

현재 2021, the major players in the USA self-service kiosks market were Frank Mayer and Associates Inc., Kiosk Information Systems, Lilitab LLC, Meridian Zero Degrees LLC, Olea Kiosks Inc.

이 보고서는 이 업계에서 활동하는 회사 및 조직에 매우 귀중한 리소스입니다.. It provides a cohesive picture of the self-service kiosks market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, 정책 입안자, 학생, 및 분석가.

보고 범위

애플리케이션: bill payment kiosks, bitcoin kiosks, check-in kiosks, check-out kiosks, digital signage kiosks, financial services kiosks, self-ordering kiosks, 다른 사람
최종 사용자: education institutions, financial services, 정부, hospitality & entertainment, medical/healthcare, 레스토랑, 소매, travel & 운송, 다른 사람
년 고려: 이 보고서는 기간을 다룹니다 2018 에게 2028

이해관계자를 위한 주요 이점

Get a comprehensive picture of the USA self-service kiosks market
– 로컬 데이터를 기반으로 지역 전략 및 전략적 우선 순위 식별
– 성장 분야 및 투자 동향 파악


부분 1. 소개
– 연구 범위
– 공부 기간
– 지리적 범위
– 연구 방법론
부분 2. Self-service kiosks market overview
부분 3. 애플리케이션별 시장 분석
Bill payment kiosks
Bitcoin kiosks
Check-in kiosks
Check-out kiosks
Digital signage kiosks
Financial services kiosks
Self-ordering kiosks
– 기타
부분 4. 최종 사용자별 시장 분석
Education institutions
Financial services
– 정부
– 환대 & entertainment
Travel & 운송
– 기타
부분 5. 주요 기업
Frank Mayer and Associates Inc.
Kiosk Information Systems
Lilitab LLC
Meridian Zero Degrees LLC
Olea Kiosks, 주식회사.
스트래티지헬릭스 소개
부인 성명

미화 650

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Self-Service Kiosks Market in USA 2022

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Self-Service Kiosks Market in USA 2022

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