Hong Kong Bottled Water Market 2025


여러 구매에 대해 할인을받을 수 있습니다

  • 안전한 지불
  • 내부 배달 8 근무 시간

The Hong Kong bottled water market is on track for slight growth, expected to expand from USD 826.3 백만 in 2024 USD에 1,069.9 백만에 의해 2030, with a CAGR of 4.4% during the evaluated period. In Hong Kong, rising concerns over water quality and health-conscious consumer behavior drive the bottled water market. With a densely urbanized population and limited natural water resources, bottled water is favored for its convenience and perceived safety. 또한, the premium bottled water segment sees growth as consumers increasingly seek high-quality, mineral-rich options amid rising disposable incomes.

The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Hong Kong bottled water market, 역사적 시장 규모에 대한 중요한 데이터를 제시합니다, 성장 패턴, 미래의 예측. 시장 부문 및 하위 세그먼트의 철저한 분류를 제공합니다., 제품 유형과 같은 주요 변수에 중점을 둔, packaging type and distribution channel. This comprehensive evaluation aids in identifying the growth potential within the bottled water industry.

시장 세분화

The Hong Kong bottled water market is classified into the following segments:
제품 유형: sparkling water (sparkling natural mineral water, sparkling spring water, sparkling purified water), flavored water (still flavored water, sparkling flavored water), functional water, still water (still natural mineral water, still spring water, still purified water)
포장 유형: glass, metal, 강성 플라스틱
배포 채널: 편의점, forecourts, 슈퍼마켓 및 하이퍼 마켓, 소규모 식료품 점, vending, 전자 상거래, bars and HoReCa, 기타

In Hong Kong, the bottled water market is segmented by product type, packaging type and distribution channel. The market is classified by product type into sparkling water (sparkling natural mineral water, sparkling spring water, sparkling purified water), flavored water (still flavored water, sparkling flavored water), functional water, and still water (still natural mineral water, still spring water, still purified water). The packaging type segmentation covers glass, metal, 그리고 강성 플라스틱. 분배 채널 세분화는 편의점으로 구성됩니다, forecourts, 슈퍼마켓 및 하이퍼 마켓, 소규모 식료품 점, vending, 전자 상거래, bars and HoReCa, 그리고 다른 사람들.

경쟁 환경

The bottled water market is largely dominated by key players such as Wildalpen Wasserverwertungs GmbH, VITASOY International Holdings Limited, The Wonderful Company LLC., The Coca-Cola Company, Nestle S.A., Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), Highland Spring Limited, Harrogate Spring Water Ltd., Danone S.A. and Acqua Minerale San Benedetto S.p.A.

This analysis offers a comprehensive overview of the main players in the bottled water market, 성능 추세를 평가합니다 2020 에게 2024. 주요 결과는 시장 점유율의 변화를 보여줍니다, 지배적 인 회사와 경쟁 업체 상승.

이 보고서를 구매하는 이유?

Obtain precise statistical data and forecasts for the Hong Kong bottled water market.
Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Hong Kong bottled water market: product type, packaging type and distribution channel.
지역별 전략 개발 및 현지화 된 데이터 분석을 기반으로 전략적 우선 순위를 설정.
Gain deep insights into the dynamics of the Hong Kong bottled water market.
성장 부문과 신흥 동향을 목표로 고위적 투자 기회를 식별하십시오..
Anticipate the future trajectory of the Hong Kong bottled water market with informed projections.
시장 기회를 활용하기위한 이상적인시기를 결정하기 위해 경쟁 환경을 평가하십시오..
동일한 조직 내의 단일 무제한 사용자 라이센스, 추가 사용자에 대한 추가 요금이 없습니다.


주요 결과
시장 세분화
시장 개요
Hong Kong Bottled Water Market – 제품 유형 분석
Hong Kong Bottled Water MarketPackaging Type Analysis
Hong Kong Bottled Water Market – 분포 채널 분석
주요 업체와 시장 점유율
Wildalpen Wasserverwertungs GmbH
VITASOY International Holdings Limited
The Wonderful Company LLC.
The Coca-Cola Company
Nestle S.A.
Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL)
Highland Spring Limited
Harrogate Spring Water Ltd.
Danone S.A.

거시 경제 데이터 및 예측
연구 방법론
부인 성명

그림과 테이블
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market, 순 성장, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market, 성장률, 2020-2030
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Product Type, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Product Type, CAGR 역사적 및 예측, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Product Type, 2020-2030
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, CAGR 역사적 및 예측, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR 역사적 및 예측, 2020-2030
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market Share (%), 회사에 의해, 2020-2024
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market, 회사에 의해, 2024
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market Share (%), 브랜드에 의해, 2020-2024
Chart Hong Kong Bottled Water Market, 브랜드에 의해, 2024
Table Hong Kong – 인구 (수백만) 그리고 예측
Table Hong Kong – 소비자 물가 지수 (CPI) 그리고 예측
Table Hong Kong – 국내 총생산 및 예측
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market: GDP의 비율로 지출하십시오 (%)
Table Hong Kong Bottled Water Market: 1 인당 소비 (인구)

언급 된 회사

Wildalpen Wasserverwertungs GmbH
VITASOY International Holdings Limited
The Wonderful Company LLC.
The Coca-Cola Company
Nestle S.A.
Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL)
Highland Spring Limited
Harrogate Spring Water Ltd.
Danone S.A.
Acqua Minerale San Benedetto S.p.A.

제품 유형

산업 통계


아시아 태평양

게시 날짜


쇼핑 카트
위로 스크롤

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