Europe Wine Market 2024

Panoramica di mercato

The wine in Europe market is expected to increase by USD 39.7 billion, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) Di 3.5% da 2024 A 2029, according to the latest edition of the Wine Market in Europe Report. Europe has a long-standing tradition of wine production, with countries like France, Italia, and Spain being globally recognized for their high-quality wines. This heritage attracts both local and international consumers who appreciate traditional wine-making methods. The popularity of wine tourism in regions such as Bordeaux, Tuscany, and Rioja drives growth in the industry. Visitors are eager to experience vineyard tours, wine tastings, and wine-related events, contributing to local economies and increasing wine sales.

Innovations in viticulture, such as precision farming, improved irrigation techniques, and disease-resistant grape varieties, have led to better quality and higher yields. Futhermore, increasing focus on sustainable and organic wine production appeals to environmentally conscious consumers. Wineries adopting green practices often gain a competitive edge in the market.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Europe wine industry, coprendo uno studio dei principali attori che operano sul mercato. Include un'analisi dei segmenti e sottosegmenti di mercato, prendendo in considerazione fattori come il prodotto, canale di distribuzione, e paese. Esaminando questi aspetti, the report offers valuable insights into the potential of the wine industry. Inoltre, il rapporto presenta informazioni statistiche, compresa la dimensione del mercato, quota di mercato, tasso di crescita, and forecasts specifically tailored to the wine industry. Questa analisi basata sui dati fornisce ai professionisti del settore le informazioni necessarie per valutare l’attuale panorama del mercato, prendere decisioni ben informate, e identificare opportunità di crescita nel settore.

Segmentazione del mercato

The wine market in Europe is segmented as below:
Prodotto: fortified wine, non-grape wine, sparkling wine, still wine, e altri
Canale di distribuzione: minimarket, supermercati e ipermercati, discount, negozi specializzati, piccoli negozi di alimentari, foodservice channels, e-commerce, e altri
Paese: Francia, Germania, Italia, Olanda, Polonia, Russia, Spagna, Tacchino, Regno Unito, e altri

The Europe wine market is segmented on the basis of product, canale di distribuzione, e paese. In base al prodotto, the wine market in Europe is categorized into fortified wine, non-grape wine, sparkling wine, still wine, e altri. Sulla base del canale di distribuzione, the wine market in Europe has been segmented into convenience stores, supermercati e ipermercati, discount, negozi specializzati, piccoli negozi di alimentari, foodservice channels, e-commerce, e altri. In terms of geographical distribution, the wine market in Europe has been divided into France, Germania, Italia, Olanda, Polonia, Russia, Spagna, Tacchino, Regno Unito, e altri.

Panorama competitivo

The Europe wine market is highly competitive. As of 2023, the major players in the Europe wine market were Accolade Wines Limited, Anora Group Oyj, Bacardi Limited, Cantine Riunite & CIV S.C.Agr., Castel Group, CAVIROCOOPERATIVE AGRICOLE VITI-FRUTTICOLTORI ITALIANI RIUNITI ORGANIZZATI Scarl, Dr. August Oetker, E. & J. Gallo Winery, J Garcia Carrion S.A., Les Grands Chais De France, Pernod Ricard Group, Rotkaeppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Schloss Wachenheim AG, Treasury Wine Estates Limited, Vina Concha Y Toro S.A.

The report is an indispensable tool for companies and organizations operating in the wine industry. Offre una panoramica completa del mercato, responsabilizzare i dirigenti del settore, decisori politici, accademici, e gli analisti per prendere decisioni ben informate. Il rapporto fornisce preziosi spunti e analisi, presenting a cohesive and detailed perspective on the wine market.

Perché acquistare questo rapporto?

Provide statistical data or estimations for the Europe wine market
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the wine market in Europe
Identificare opportunità di investimento promettenti individuando i settori in crescita e le tendenze emergenti
Understand what the future of the wine market in Europe looks like
Analizzare il panorama competitivo e identificare il timing ottimale per cogliere le opportunità


1. Ambito e metodologia
1.1 Risultati chiave
1.2 Ambito del rapporto
1.3 Metodologia di ricerca
2. Panoramica di mercato
3. Europe Wine Market – Analisi del prodotto
3.1 Fortified wine
3.2 Non-grape wine
3.3 Sparkling wine
3.4 Still wine
3.5 Altri
4. Europe Wine Market – Analisi dei canali di distribuzione
4.1 Minimarket
4.2 Supermercati e ipermercati
4.3 Discount
4.4 Specialty stores
4.5 Piccoli negozi di alimentari
4.6 Foodservice channels
4.7 E-commerce
4.8 Altri
5. Europe Wine MarketCountry Analysis
5.1 Francia
5.2 Germania
5.3 Italia
5.4 Olanda
5.5 Polonia
5.6 Russia
5.7 Spagna
5.8 Tacchino
5.9 Regno Unito
5.10 Altri
6. Profili aziendali
6.1 Accolade Wines Limited
6.2 Anora Group Oyj
6.3 Bacardi Limited
6.4 Cantine Riunite & CIV S.C.Agr.
6.5 Castel Group
6.7 Dr. August Oetker
6.8 E. & J. Gallo Winery
6.9 J Garcia Carrion S.A.
6.10 Les Grands Chais De France
6.11 Pernod Ricard Group
6.12 Rotkaeppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH
6.13 Schloss Wachenheim AG
6.14 Treasury Wine Estates Limited
6.15 Vina Concha Y Toro S.A.

Aziende menzionate

Accolade Wines Limited
Anora Group Oyj
Bacardi Limited
Cantine Riunite & CIV S.C.Agr.
Castel Group
Dr. August Oetker
E. & J. Gallo Winery
J Garcia Carrion S.A.
Les Grands Chais De France
Pernod Ricard Group
Rotkaeppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH
Schloss Wachenheim AG
Treasury Wine Estates Limited
Vina Concha Y Toro S.A.

Dollaro statunitense 1,275

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Europe Wine Market 2024

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