Greece Bottled Water Market 2024

Panoramica di mercato

According to latest analysis, the bottled water in Greece market was USD 1,462 milioni di euro 2023 and is expected to reach USD 1,618 milioni di euro 2029 and register a CAGR of 1.7% during the forecast period, 2024-2029. Consumers are shifting away from sugary beverages like sodas and opting for healthier alternatives. Bottled water is perceived as a healthier choice, contributing to its growing popularity. Concerns over the safety and quality of tap water, whether due to contamination or aging infrastructure, also drive consumers toward bottled water. Perceived purity and safety of bottled water reassure consumers about its quality.

Additionally, aggressive marketing strategies by major bottled water companies play a crucial role. Brands often highlight the purity, source, and health benefits of their products. Endorsements and sponsorships in sports and events also boost visibility and appeal.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Greece bottled water industry, coprendo uno studio dei principali attori che operano sul mercato. Include un'analisi dei segmenti e sottosegmenti di mercato, prendendo in considerazione fattori come il tipo di prodotto, pack type, e canale di distribuzione. Esaminando questi aspetti, the report offers valuable insights into the potential of the bottled water industry. Inoltre, il rapporto presenta informazioni statistiche, compresa la dimensione del mercato, quota di mercato, tasso di crescita, and forecasts specifically tailored to the bottled water industry. Questa analisi basata sui dati fornisce ai professionisti del settore le informazioni necessarie per valutare l’attuale panorama del mercato, prendere decisioni ben informate, e identificare opportunità di crescita nel settore.

Segmentazione del mercato

The bottled water market in Greece is segmented as below:
Tipologia di prodotto: still water, sparkling water, and functional and flavored water
Pack type: glass bottles, rigid plastic bottles, e altri
Canale di distribuzione: convenience and forecourt stores, supermercati e ipermercati, small grocery stores, Industria di catering, e-commerce, e altri

The Greece bottled water market is segmented on the basis of product type, pack type, e canale di distribuzione. Based on product type, the bottled water market in Greece is categorized into still water, sparkling water, and functional and flavored water. On the basis of pack type, the bottled water market in Greece has been segmented into glass bottles, rigid plastic bottles, e altri. Per canale di distribuzione, the bottled water market in Greece has been segmented into convenience and forecourt stores, supermercati e ipermercati, small grocery stores, Industria di catering, e-commerce, e altri.

Panorama competitivo

The Greece bottled water market is highly competitive. The report also includes the profiles of leading companies such as AHB Group S.A., Carlsberg A/S, CHITOS S.A. – ZAGORI, Coca-Cola HBC AG, Danone S.A., Epirotiki Bottling Company S.A., ETANAP S.A. – Samaria, Nestlé SA, Souroti S.A., Votomos S.A.

The report is an indispensable tool for companies and organizations operating in the bottled water industry. Offre una panoramica completa del mercato, responsabilizzare i dirigenti del settore, decisori politici, accademici, e gli analisti per prendere decisioni ben informate. Il rapporto fornisce preziosi spunti e analisi, presenting a cohesive and detailed perspective on the bottled water market.

Perché acquistare questo rapporto?

Provide statistical data or estimations for the Greece bottled water market
Formulare strategie regionali e determinare le priorità strategiche sulla base dell'analisi dei dati locali
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the bottled water market in Greece
Identificare opportunità di investimento promettenti individuando i settori in crescita e le tendenze emergenti
Understand what the future of the bottled water market in Greece looks like
Analizzare il panorama competitivo e identificare il timing ottimale per cogliere le opportunità


1. Ambito e metodologia
1.1 Risultati chiave
1.2 Ambito del rapporto
1.3 Metodologia di ricerca
2. Panoramica di mercato
3. Greece Bottled Water Market – Analisi del tipo di prodotto
3.1 Still water
3.2 Sparkling water
3.3 Functional and flavored water
4. Greece Bottled Water MarketPack Type Analysis
4.1 Glass bottles
4.2 Rigid plastic bottles
4.3 Altri
5. Greece Bottled Water Market – Analisi dei canali di distribuzione
5.1 Convenience and forecourt stores
5.2 Supermercati e ipermercati
5.3 Small grocery stores
5.4 Industria di catering
5.5 E-commerce
5.6 Altri
6. Profili aziendali
6.1 AHB Group S.A.
6.2 Carlsberg A/S
6.4 Coca-Cola HBC AG
6.5 Danone S.A.
6.6 Epirotiki Bottling Company S.A.
6.7 ETANAP S.A. – Samaria
6.8 Nestlé SA.
6.9 Souroti S.A.
6.10 Votomos S.A.

Aziende menzionate

AHB Group S.A.
Carlsberg A/S
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Danone S.A.
Epirotiki Bottling Company S.A.
ETANAP S.A. – Samaria
Nestlé SA.
Souroti S.A.
Votomos S.A.

Dollaro statunitense 250

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