Air Conditioning Market in Colombia 2020


Air conditioning (AC) is a system used to cool down the temperature in an inside space by removing the existing heat and moisture from the room. It is essential to a comfortable home or work environment. Secondo StrategyHelix, the air conditioning market in Colombia in terms of volume expanded by 11.5 percent, A 356 thousand units, in 2019 compared to the previous year.

The report provides up-to-date market size data covering key market aspects like volume for air conditioning. The Colombia air conditioning market is segmented on the basis of type. Based on type, the air conditioning market in Colombia is categorized into room AC, and commercial AC. The room AC segment captured the largest share of the market in 2019.

The room AC market is further segmented into window air conditioners, and split air conditioners. According to the research, the split air conditioners segment had the largest share in the air conditioning market in Colombia. Furthermore, the commercial AC market has been categorized into PAC air conditioners, and VRF air conditioners. StrategyHelix research indicates that the PAC air conditioners segment occupied the largest share of this market in 2019.

Il rapporto è una risorsa inestimabile per le aziende e le organizzazioni attive in questo settore. It provides a cohesive picture of the air conditioning market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, decisori politici, accademico, e analisti.

Ambito del rapporto

Tipo: room AC, and commercial AC
Base year: 2019

Principali vantaggi per gli stakeholder

Get a comprehensive picture of the Colombia air conditioning market
– Identificare le strategie regionali e le priorità strategiche sulla base dei dati locali
– Individuare i settori in crescita e le tendenze per gli investimenti
Understand what the future of the air conditioning market in Colombia looks like
– Identificare il panorama competitivo e la finestra di opportunità


1. Definizione del mercato
2. Metodologia di ricerca
3. Dati di mercato e prospettive
3.1 Stime sulle dimensioni del mercato
3.2 Previsione
4. Air conditioning market by type
4.1 Room AC
4.2 Commercial AC
5. Appendice
5.1 Informazioni su StrategyHelix
5.2 Disclaimer

Dollaro statunitense 75

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Air Conditioning Market in Colombia 2020

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Air Conditioning Market in Colombia 2020

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