India Pet Food Market 2024


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According to latest analysis, the pet food in India market was USD 1,162 juta masuk 2023 and is expected to reach USD 2,047 juta masuk 2029 and register a CAGR of 9.9% Selama periode perkiraan, 2024-2029. The India pet food market is driven by a surge in pet ownership, particularly in urban areas where the concept of pets as companions has gained significant traction. The rising disposable incomes among middle-class households are enabling more consumers to invest in premium pet food products, emphasizing nutrition and quality. Selain itu, increased awareness about pet health and nutrition, spurred by veterinary recommendations and growing online information, is fostering demand for specialized pet food tailored to specific breeds, life stages, and dietary requirements.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the India pet food industry, menyajikan data pasar terperinci termasuk ukuran pasar historis, tingkat pertumbuhan, dan ramalan masa depan. Ini menawarkan pemeriksaan mendalam tentang berbagai kategori dan subkategori pasar, with a particular focus on key factors such as pet type, jenis, harga, ingredient, dan saluran distribusi. The insights gained from this evaluation help reveal the growth potential within the pet food sector.

Segmentasi pasar

The segmentation of the pet food market in India is outlined below:
Jenis hewan peliharaan: kucing (dry food, wet food, toppers & mixers), anjing (dry food, wet food, toppers & mixers), bird, fish, yang lain
Jenis: therapeutic pet foods, non-therapeutic pet foods
Harga: economy pet food, premium/super premium pet food
Bahan: acidity regulators, cereals, coloring agents, fats and oils, flours, humectants, proteins, sweeteners, vitamins and minerals, yang lain
Saluran distribusi: supermarket dan hypermarket, toko kelontong, toko hewan peliharaan, e-commerce, Klinik Hewan, yang lain

The India pet food market is segmented on the basis of pet type, jenis, harga, ingredient, dan saluran distribusi. Berdasarkan jenis hewan peliharaan, the pet food market in India has been segmented into cat (dry food, wet food, toppers & mixers), anjing (dry food, wet food, toppers & mixers), bird, fish, dan lainnya. By type, the pet food market in India has been segmented into therapeutic pet foods, and non-therapeutic pet foods. Based on pricing, the pet food market in India is categorized into economy pet food, and premium/super premium pet food. On the basis of ingredient, the pet food market in India has been segmented into acidity regulators, cereals, coloring agents, fats and oils, flours, humectants, proteins, sweeteners, vitamins and minerals, dan lainnya. Dengan saluran distribusi, the pet food market in India has been segmented into supermarkets and hypermarkets, toko kelontong, toko hewan peliharaan, e-commerce, Klinik Hewan, dan lainnya.

Lanskap kompetitif

The India pet food market is highly competitive. The report also includes the profiles of leading companies such as Taiyo Feed Mill Pvt Ltd, Stylam Sydney, Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc., Russo Mangimi SpA, Nestle S.A., Mars Incorporated, Kamihata Fish Industries Ltd., Glenand Group Of Companies, Creative Pet Products Co., Perusahaan Colgate-Palmolive, Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited, ABIS Exports India Pvt. Ltd. (Indian Broiler Group Pvt Ltd.).

The report offers a comprehensive review of the India pet food market, fokus pada kinerja pemain kunci di atas 2019-2023 periode. Informasi ini menyoroti perubahan pangsa pasar, mengidentifikasi kedua pemimpin pasar yang mapan dan pemain yang muncul. Dengan memanfaatkan data ini, Bisnis dapat meningkatkan posisi kompetitif mereka, menyempurnakan strategi mereka untuk menavigasi lanskap pasar yang kompetitif dan berkembang.

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Daftar isi

Temuan kunci
Laporan Lingkup
Metodologi Penelitian
Market overviewIndia pet food market – analisis tipe hewan peliharaan
India pet food markettype analysis
India pet food market – Analisis Harga
India pet food marketingredient analysis
India pet food market – Analisis Saluran Distribusi
Pemain kunci dan pangsa pasar
Taiyo Feed Mill Pvt Ltd
Stylam Sydney
Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.
Russo Mangimi SpA
– Nestle S.A..

Data dan perkiraan ekonomi makro

Angka dan tabel
Table India pet food market 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market, pertumbuhan bersih, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market, tingkat pertumbuhan, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market by pet type, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by pet type, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by pet type, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market by type, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by type, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by type, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market by pricing, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by pricing, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by pricing, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market by ingredient, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by ingredient, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by ingredient, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market by distribution channel, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by distribution channel, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart India pet food market by distribution channel, 2019-2029
Table India pet food market share (%), oleh perusahaan, 2019-2023
Chart India pet food market, oleh perusahaan, 2023
Table India pet food market share (%), oleh merek, 2019-2023
Chart India pet food market, oleh merek, 2023
Table India – populasi (jutaan) dan ramalan
Table India – Indeks Harga Konsumen (CPI) dan ramalan
Table India – Produk dan Prakiraan Domestik Bruto
Table India pet food market: Habiskan sebagai proporsi PDB (%)
Table India pet food market: Konsumsi per kapita (populasi)

Jenis produk

Statistik industri


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