North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market 2025


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Projections for the North America cooking and edible oils market suggest a promising growth trajectory, dengan kebangkitan USD yang diantisipasi 10.6 billion and a CAGR nearing 5.8% Selama lima tahun ke depan. The North America cooking and edible oils market is largely driven by growing consumer demand for healthier oil alternatives, such as olive oil, avocado oil, and sunflower oil, due to heightened awareness around cardiovascular health and nutritional benefits. The rise of plant-based diets and the growing preference for non-GMO and organic oils are also playing a key role in market expansion.

Lebih-lebih lagi, the region’s booming food processing industry, alongside increased consumption of convenience foods and snacks, is propelling the demand for edible oils. This is further bolstered by the robust retail infrastructure and the proliferation of e-commerce platforms, making specialty oils more accessible to consumers.

This report presents a detailed analysis of the North America cooking and edible oils market, offering six years of historical market size data and growth trends, as well as forward-looking estimates through 2030. It explores category-specific and subcategory dynamics, with a sharp focus on developments across product, jenis pengemasan, distribution channel and country.

Segmentasi pasar

The North America cooking and edible oils market is structured as follows:
Produk: olive oil, corn oil (maize oil), palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola oil), soybean oil, sunflower oil, yang lain
Jenis pengemasan: botol kaca, metal containers, paper-based containers, plastic bottles
Saluran distribusi: toko serba ada, Diskon, e-commerce, saluran layanan makanan, Hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, supermarket, klub gudang, yang lain
Country: USA, Canada

The cooking and edible oils market in the North America is segmented by product, jenis pengemasan, distribution channel and country. The categorization of the market by product includes olive oil, corn oil (maize oil), palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola oil), soybean oil, sunflower oil, dan lainnya. Packaging type segments are divided into glass bottles, metal containers, paper-based containers, and plastic bottles. Segmentasi saluran distribusi terdiri dari toko serba ada, Diskon, e-commerce, saluran layanan makanan, Hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, supermarket, klub gudang, dan lainnya. Secara geografis, the market is divided into USA and Canada.

Lanskap kompetitif

Prominent players in the cooking and edible oils market include Associated British Foods plc, B&G Foods Inc., Bright Food (Group) Bersama. Ltd., California Olive Ranch Inc., Conagra Brands Inc., Deoleo S.A., Industria Alimentare Colavita SpA, Pompeian Inc., Richardson International Limited, Richardson International Limited (Richardson Food & Ingredients), Sun-Brite Foods Inc., Unilever PLC and Upfield Holdings B.V.

The report provides a detailed assessment of prominent companies within the cooking and edible oils market, melacak kinerja mereka dari 2020 ke 2024. Wawasan mengungkapkan fluktuasi pangsa pasar, menyoroti kedua pemimpin veteran dan pemain yang muncul.

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Daftar isi

Temuan kunci
Segmentasi pasar
Tinjauan Pasar
North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis produk
North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis Jenis Kemasan
North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis Saluran Distribusi
North America Cooking and Edible Oils MarketCountry Analysis
Pemain kunci dan pangsa pasar
Associated British Foods plc
B&G Foods, Inc.
Bright Food (Group) Bersama., Ltd.
California Olive Ranch, Inc.
Conagra Brands, Inc.
Deoleo, S.A..
Industria Alimentare Colavita SpA
Pompeian, Inc.
Richardson International Limited

Data dan perkiraan ekonomi makro
Metodologi Penelitian

Angka dan tabel
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market, Pertumbuhan bersih, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market, Tingkat pertumbuhan, 2020-2030
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, 2020-2030
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, 2020-2030
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market Share (%), oleh perusahaan, 2020-2024
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market, oleh perusahaan, 2024
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market Share (%), oleh merek, 2020-2024
Chart North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market, oleh merek, 2024
Table North America – Populasi (Jutaan) dan ramalan
Table North America – Indeks Harga Konsumen (CPI) dan ramalan
Table North America – Produk dan Prakiraan Domestik Bruto
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market: Habiskan sebagai proporsi PDB (%)
Table North America Cooking and Edible Oils Market: Konsumsi per kapita (Populasi)

Perusahaan disebutkan

Associated British Foods plc
B&G Foods, Inc.
Bright Food (Group) Bersama., Ltd.
California Olive Ranch, Inc.
Conagra Brands, Inc.
Deoleo, S.A..
Industria Alimentare Colavita SpA
Pompeian, Inc.
Richardson International Limited
Richardson International Limited (Richardson Food & Ingredients)
Sun-Brite Foods Inc.
Unilever plc
Upfield Holdings B.V.

Jenis produk

Statistik industri


Amerika Utara

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