The Europe cooking and edible oils sector is poised for a dynamic growth phase, anticipating an increase of USD 17.8 billion and a CAGR of approximately 6.9% dari 2025 ke 2030. The Europe cooking and edible oils market is largely propelled by the region’s strong consumer preference for premium and health-focused products, particularly olive oil, which has deep cultural roots in Mediterranean countries. The increasing shift towards healthier diets, driven by rising awareness of heart health and cholesterol management, is fueling demand for oils with high nutritional value, such as olive and sunflower oils.
Selain itu, sustainability and environmental concerns are shaping consumer choices, with a growing emphasis on organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced oils. European consumers are increasingly opting for eco-friendly packaging and ethically produced oils, which is influencing market dynamics across the region.
This report provides a strategic analysis of the Europe cooking and edible oils market, examining historical trends from 2020 ke 2024 and forecasting developments through 2030. It assesses market size, lintasan pertumbuhan, and key drivers of change, offering a comprehensive view of the industry’s future. By dissecting the market into product, jenis pengemasan, distribution channel and country, the report identifies high-potential opportunities and actionable strategies for market players to thrive in a competitive landscape.
Segmentasi pasar
The Europe cooking and edible oils market is categorized into the following segments:
Produk: olive oil, corn oil (maize oil), palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola oil), soybean oil, sunflower oil, yang lain
Jenis pengemasan: Kemasan yang fleksibel, botol kaca, liquid packaging cartons, metal containers, paper-based containers, plastic bottles, yang lain
Saluran distribusi: toko serba ada, Diskon, e-commerce, food and drinks stores, saluran layanan makanan, general merchandise stores, Hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, supermarket, yang lain
Country: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Polandia, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, yang lain
The segmentation of the Europe cooking and edible oils market product, jenis pengemasan, distribution channel and country. Berdasarkan produk, the market is categorized into olive oil, corn oil (maize oil), palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola oil), soybean oil, sunflower oil, dan lainnya. Packaging type segments encompass flexible packaging, botol kaca, liquid packaging cartons, metal containers, paper-based containers, plastic bottles, dan lainnya. Segmentasi saluran distribusi terdiri dari toko serba ada, Diskon, e-commerce, food and drinks stores, saluran layanan makanan, general merchandise stores, Hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, supermarket, dan lainnya. Secara geografis, the market spans France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Polandia, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and others.
Lanskap kompetitif
Leading companies in the cooking and edible oils market include Aceites Abril S.L., Aceites del Sur-Coosur S.A. (Acesur), Borges International Group S.L., Bright Food (Group) Bersama. Ltd., Bunge Limited, Costa d’Oro S.p.A., Deoleo S.A., Di Luca & Di Luca AB, F.lli De Cecco di Filippo – Fara San Martino S.p.A., Farchioni Olii S.p.A., Fratelli Carli S.p.A. (Final S.p.A.), Groupe Avril, Grupo Ybarra Alimentacion S.L. (Ybarra), Gruppo Mataluni Oleificio, Kucukbay A.S., Miguel Gallego S.A. (Migasa), Monini S.p.A., Montenegro S.r.l., Nestle S.A., Nutrinveste SGPS S.A., Olearia Desantis SpA, Peter Kolln GmbH & Bersama. Kgaa, S.S. TARIS ZEYTIN VE ZEYTINYAGI BIRLIGI, Savola Group, Ticaret ve Sanayi Kontuvari T.A.S. – Kristal Yaglari, Trakya Yagli Tohumlar Tarim Satis Kooperatifleri Birligi (Trakya Birlik), Unilever plc, Upfield Holdings B.V., VFI GmbH and VOG AG.
This comprehensive report analyzes the performance of leading companies in the cooking and edible oils sector from 2020 ke 2024. Temuan ini menyoroti perubahan pangsa pasar, mengungkapkan kedua pemimpin pasar yang mapan dan pesaing yang muncul.
Mengapa Membeli Laporan Ini?
Obtain precise statistical data and forecasts for the Europe cooking and edible oils market.
Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Europe cooking and edible oils market: produk, jenis pengemasan, distribution channel and country.
Mengembangkan strategi khusus wilayah dan menetapkan prioritas strategis berdasarkan analisis data yang terlokalisasi.
Gain deep insights into the dynamics of the Europe cooking and edible oils market.
Identifikasi peluang investasi berpotensi tinggi dengan menargetkan sektor pertumbuhan dan tren yang muncul.
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Nilai lanskap kompetitif untuk menentukan waktu yang ideal untuk memanfaatkan peluang pasar.
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Daftar isi
Temuan kunci
Segmentasi pasar
Tinjauan Pasar
Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis produk
Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis Jenis Kemasan
Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Analisis Saluran Distribusi
Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market – Country Analysis
Pemain kunci dan pangsa pasar
Aceites Abril S.L.
Aceites del Sur-Coosur S.A. (Acesur)
Borges International Group S.L.
Bright Food (Group) Bersama., Ltd.
Bunge Limited
Costa d’Oro S.p.A.
Deoleo, S.A..
Di Luca & Di Luca AB
F.lli De Cecco di Filippo – Fara San Martino S.p.A.
Data dan perkiraan ekonomi makro
Metodologi Penelitian
Angka dan tabel
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market, Pertumbuhan bersih, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market, Tingkat pertumbuhan, 2020-2030
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Product, 2020-2030
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2020-2030
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market by Country, 2020-2030
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market Share (%), oleh perusahaan, 2020-2024
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market, oleh perusahaan, 2024
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market Share (%), oleh merek, 2020-2024
Chart Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market, oleh merek, 2024
Table Europe – Populasi (Jutaan) dan ramalan
Table Europe – Indeks Harga Konsumen (CPI) dan ramalan
Table Europe – Produk dan Prakiraan Domestik Bruto
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market: Habiskan sebagai proporsi PDB (%)
Table Europe Cooking and Edible Oils Market: Konsumsi per kapita (Populasi)
Perusahaan disebutkan
Aceites Abril S.L.
Aceites del Sur-Coosur S.A. (Acesur)
Borges International Group S.L.
Bright Food (Group) Bersama., Ltd.
Bunge Limited
Costa d’Oro S.p.A.
Deoleo, S.A..
Di Luca & Di Luca AB
F.lli De Cecco di Filippo – Fara San Martino S.p.A.
Farchioni Olii S.p.A.
Fratelli Carli S.p.A. (Final S.p.A.)
Groupe Avril
Grupo Ybarra Alimentacion S.L. (Ybarra)
Gruppo Mataluni Oleificio
Kucukbay A.S.
Miguel Gallego, S.A.. (Migasa)
Monini S.p.A.
Montenegro S.r.l.
Nestle S.A..
Nutrinveste SGPS, S.A..
Olearia Desantis SpA
Peter Kolln GmbH & Bersama. Kgaa
Savola Group
Ticaret ve Sanayi Kontuvari T.A.S. – Kristal Yaglari
Trakya Yagli Tohumlar Tarim Satis Kooperatifleri Birligi (Trakya Birlik)
Unilever plc
Upfield Holdings B.V.