Ghana Body Care Market 2024


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The body care market in Ghana is likely to register a CAGR of over 9.9% dengan pertumbuhan bertahap USD 18.2 juta selama periode perkiraan 2024-2029. The Ghana body care market is experiencing growth driven by rising urbanization and a growing middle class, which are increasing consumer awareness and demand for personal grooming products. As more consumers in urban areas gain access to disposable income, there is a noticeable shift towards higher-quality, branded body care products that promise enhanced efficacy and safety. Selain itu, the influence of global beauty standards, coupled with the penetration of international brands, is shaping local consumer preferences, leading to the adoption of diverse skincare routines that cater to specific needs such as hydration and skin protection. The expanding availability of these products through modern retail channels and e-commerce platforms is further supporting market growth.

The report delivers an in-depth analysis of the Ghana body care industry, Menawarkan data pasar yang luas seperti ukuran pasar historis, lintasan pertumbuhan, dan proyeksi berwawasan ke depan. Ini benar -benar memeriksa kategori dan subkategori pasar utama, emphasizing critical elements like product, harga, dan saluran distribusi. Dengan menawarkan analisis terperinci ini, the report assists in uncovering the untapped potential of the body care market.

Segmentasi pasar

The following outlines the segmentation of the body care market in Ghana:
Produk: firming body care, general purpose
Harga: massa, premi
Saluran distribusi: toko serba ada, supermarket dan hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, department stores, Toko Kesehatan dan Kecantikan, e-commerce, yang lain

The Ghana body care market is segmented on the basis of product, harga, dan saluran distribusi. Berdasarkan produk, the body care market in Ghana has been segmented into firming body care, and general purpose. Berdasarkan harga, the body care market in Ghana is categorized into mass, dan premium. On the basis of distribution channel, the body care market in Ghana has been segmented into convenience stores, supermarket dan hypermarket, toko kelontong kecil, department stores, Toko Kesehatan dan Kecantikan, e-commerce, dan lainnya.

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Daftar isi

Temuan kunci
Laporan Lingkup
Metodologi Penelitian
Market overviewGhana body care market – analisis produk
Ghana body care market – Analisis Harga
Ghana body care market – Analisis Saluran Distribusi
Data dan perkiraan ekonomi makro

Angka dan tabel
Table Ghana body care market 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market, pertumbuhan bersih, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market, tingkat pertumbuhan, 2019-2029
Table Ghana body care market by product, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by product, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by product, 2019-2029
Table Ghana body care market by pricing, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by pricing, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by pricing, 2019-2029
Table Ghana body care market by distribution channel, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by distribution channel, CAGR Historis dan Prakiraan, 2019-2029
Chart Ghana body care market by distribution channel, 2019-2029
Table Ghana – populasi (jutaan) dan ramalan
Table Ghana – Indeks Harga Konsumen (CPI) dan ramalan
Table Ghana – Produk dan Prakiraan Domestik Bruto
Table Ghana body care market: Habiskan sebagai proporsi PDB (%)
Table Ghana body care market: Konsumsi per kapita (populasi)

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