
Showing 5711–5720 का 6062 results

  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Traditional Wound Care Products Market in China 2021

    Traditional wound care products are used most often as primary or secondary dressings to protect the wound from contamination. These products include plasters, bandages (natural or synthetic), gauze & tape, lint, वगैरह. The traditional wound care products market in China in terms of revenue is set to grow by US$ 73 के दौरान मिलियन 2021-2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (सीएजीआर) का 4% पूर्वानुमान अवधि के दौरान, डेटा और एनालिटिक्स कंपनी स्ट्रैटेजीहेलिक्स के अनुसार. यह रिपोर्ट इस उद्योग में सक्रिय कंपनियों और संगठनों के लिए एक अमूल्य संसाधन है. It provides a cohesive picture of the traditional wound care products market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, नीति निर्माताओं, अकादमिक, और विश्लेषक.

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Traditional Wound Care Products Market in Cambodia 2021

    Traditional wound care products are used most often as primary or secondary dressings to protect the wound from contamination. These products include plasters, bandages (natural or synthetic), gauze & tape, lint, वगैरह. In terms of revenue, the traditional wound care products market in Cambodia is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (सीएजीआर) का 6.6% के विश्लेषण अवधि के दौरान 2021 को 2027, डेटा और एनालिटिक्स कंपनी स्ट्रैटेजीहेलिक्स के अनुसार. यह रिपोर्ट इस उद्योग में सक्रिय कंपनियों और संगठनों के लिए एक अमूल्य संसाधन है. It provides a cohesive picture of the traditional wound care products market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, नीति निर्माताओं, अकादमिक, और विश्लेषक.

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Traditional Wound Care Products Market in Bangladesh 2021

    Traditional wound care products are used most often as primary or secondary dressings to protect the wound from contamination. These products include plasters, bandages (natural or synthetic), gauze & tape, lint, वगैरह. In terms of revenue, the traditional wound care products market in Bangladesh is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (सीएजीआर) का 5.4% के विश्लेषण अवधि के दौरान 2021 को 2027, डेटा और एनालिटिक्स कंपनी स्ट्रैटेजीहेलिक्स के अनुसार. यह रिपोर्ट इस उद्योग में सक्रिय कंपनियों और संगठनों के लिए एक अमूल्य संसाधन है. It provides a cohesive picture of the traditional wound care products market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, नीति निर्माताओं, अकादमिक, और विश्लेषक.

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Traditional Wound Care Products Market in Azerbaijan 2021

    Traditional wound care products are used most often as primary or secondary dressings to protect the wound from contamination. These products include plasters, bandages (natural or synthetic), gauze & tape, lint, वगैरह. In terms of revenue, the traditional wound care products market in Azerbaijan is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (सीएजीआर) का 4.9% के विश्लेषण अवधि के दौरान 2021 को 2027, डेटा और एनालिटिक्स कंपनी स्ट्रैटेजीहेलिक्स के अनुसार. यह रिपोर्ट इस उद्योग में सक्रिय कंपनियों और संगठनों के लिए एक अमूल्य संसाधन है. It provides a cohesive picture of the traditional wound care products market to help drive informed decision making for industry executives, नीति निर्माताओं, अकादमिक, और विश्लेषक.

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in United Kingdom 2023

    नवीनतम शोध के अनुसार, the adhesive bandages market in United Kingdom is poised to grow by USD 11.7 के दौरान मिलियन 2023-2028, के सीएजीआर पर प्रगति कर रहा है 3.7% पूर्वानुमान अवधि के दौरान. An adhesive bandage, also known as a sticking plaster, is a small, flexible

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in Turkey 2023

    The adhesive bandages market in Turkey is anticipated to increase by USD 15.8 मिलियन तक 2028 की औसत वार्षिक वृद्धि पर 12.2 नवीनतम बाज़ार अनुमान के अनुसार प्रतिशत. An adhesive bandage, also known as a sticking plaster, is a crucial component of first

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in Switzerland 2023

    The adhesive bandages in Switzerland market size is projected to grow by USD 3.5 मिलियन से 2023 को 2028, का सीएजीआर दर्ज करना 2.4 प्रतिशत, नवीनतम बाज़ार आंकड़ों के अनुसार. Adhesive bandages are designed to protect the wound from further injury, infection, and dirt….

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in Sweden 2023

    The adhesive bandages in Sweden market is expected to increase by USD 3.6 दस लाख, चक्रवृद्धि वार्षिक वृद्धि दर पर (सीएजीआर) का 2.5% से 2023 को 2028, according to the latest edition of the Adhesive Bandages Market in Sweden Report. Adhesive bandages are designed to

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in Spain 2023

    The adhesive bandages market in Spain is projected to rise by USD 5.5 मिलियन द्वारा 2028, नवीनतम बाज़ार अध्ययन परिणामों के अनुसार. It is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 2.4 percent during the forecast period. An adhesive bandage, also known as a

    USD 125
  • प्लेसहोल्डर

    Adhesive Bandages Market in Portugal 2023

    The adhesive bandages market in Portugal is likely to register a CAGR of over 2.7% USD की वृद्धिशील वृद्धि के साथ 1.0 पूर्वानुमान अवधि के दौरान मिलियन 2023-2028. An adhesive bandage, also known as a sticking plaster, is a crucial component of first aid kits….

    USD 125
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