An incremental growth of USD 21.4 million is forecasted for the Singapore bottled water market, which is likely to experience a CAGR of roughly 2.6% between 2025 and 2030. Singapore’s bottled water market benefits from a strong culture of health consciousness and consumer demand for high-quality, mineral-rich water. With rising concerns over hydration and an affluent population, premium bottled water options gain traction. Additionally, the government’s focus on sustainability drives the adoption of eco-friendly packaging solutions, attracting environmentally aware consumers.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Singapore bottled water market, Präsentieren Sie wichtige Daten zur historischen Marktgröße, Wachstumsmuster, und zukünftige Projektionen. Es bietet eine gründliche Aufschlüsselung von Marktsegmenten und Untersegmenten, mit einem Fokus auf wichtige Variablen wie Produkttyp, Verpackungstyp und Verteilungskanal. This comprehensive evaluation aids in identifying the growth potential within the bottled water industry.
The Singapore bottled water market is classified into the following segments:
Produkttyp: sparkling water (sparkling natural mineral water, sparkling purified water), flavored water, functional water, still water (still natural mineral water, still spring water, still purified water)
Verpackungstyp: Glas, metal, rigid plastic
Verteilungskanal: Convenience Stores, forecourts, Supermärkte und Hypermärkte, Kleine Lebensmittelgeschäfte, vending, E-Commerce, Bars und Horeca, andere
The Singapore bottled water market is categorized by product type, Verpackungstyp und Verteilungskanal. Nach Produkttyp, it includes sparkling water (sparkling natural mineral water, sparkling purified water), flavored water, functional water, and still water (still natural mineral water, still spring water, still purified water). The packaging type segmentation includes glass, metal, and rigid plastic. Distribution channel segmentation comprises convenience stores, forecourts, Supermärkte und Hypermärkte, Kleine Lebensmittelgeschäfte, vending, E-Commerce, Bars und Horeca, und andere.
In examining the competitive landscape, key players in the bottled water market include Yeo Hiap Seng Limited, Yee Lee Corporation Berhad (YLC), The Coca-Cola Company, Thai Beverage Public Company Limited, Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd., Nestle S.A.. and Danone S.A. This analysis offers a comprehensive overview of the main players in the bottled water market, Bewertung ihrer Leistungstrends von 2020 Zu 2024. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse veranschaulichen Verschiebungen des Marktanteils, Identifizierung beider dominierender Unternehmen und steigende Wettbewerber.
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Singapore Bottled Water Market – Produkttypanalyse
Singapore Bottled Water Market – Verpackungstypanalyse
Singapore Bottled Water Market – Verteilungskanalanalyse
Hauptakteure und Marktanteil
Yeo Hiap Seng Limited
Yee Lee Corporation Berhad (YLC)
The Coca-Cola Company
Thai Beverage Public Company Limited
Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd.
Nestle S.A..
Danone S.A.
Makroökonomische Daten und Prognose
Zahlen und Tabellen
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market, Nettowachstum, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market, Wachstumsraten, 2020-2030
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market by Product Type, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Product Type, CAGR historisch und prognostiziert, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Product Type, 2020-2030
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, CAGR historisch und prognostiziert, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Packaging Type, 2020-2030
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR historisch und prognostiziert, 2020-2030
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market Share (%), von Unternehmen, 2020-2024
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market, von Unternehmen, 2024
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market Share (%), von Marken, 2020-2024
Chart Singapore Bottled Water Market, von Marken, 2024
Table Singapore – Bevölkerung (Millionen) und Vorhersage
Table Singapore – Verbraucherpreisindex (CPI) und Vorhersage
Table Singapore – Bruttoinlandsprodukt und Prognose
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market: Als Anteil des BIP ausgeben (%)
Table Singapore Bottled Water Market: Verbrauch pro Kopf (Bevölkerung)
Unternehmen erwähnt
Yeo Hiap Seng Limited
Yee Lee Corporation Berhad (YLC)
The Coca-Cola Company
Thai Beverage Public Company Limited
Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd.
Nestle S.A..
Danone S.A.