
Showing 41–50 van 145 resultate

  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Azerbaijan 2023

    The traditional wound care market in Azerbaijan is anticipated to increase by USD 0.6 miljoen tot 2028 teen 'n gemiddelde jaarlikse groei van 5.1 persent volgens die jongste markskattings. Traditional wound dressing products refer to the commonly used materials and products for dressing

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Asia Pacific 2023

    In 2022, the traditional wound care market in Asia Pacific stood at USD 928 miljoen. Recording a CAGR of 5% van 2023 aan 2028, the worth is projected to reach ~USD 1,234 miljoen deur 2028, volgens die jongste markdata. The traditional wound care

    USD 750
  • Plekhouer

    Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Australia 2022

    The water treatment chemicals market in Australia is set to increase by US$ 151.8 miljoen van 2022 aan 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) van 5.2% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. Die verslag is 'n waardevolle hulpbron vir maatskappye en organisasies wat in hierdie bedryf aktief is. It provides a cohesive picture of the water treatment chemicals market to help drive

    USD 650
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Power Market in Asia Pacific 2022

    Volgens StrategyHelix, the data center power market in Asia Pacific is expected to increase by US$ 2.2 miljard tydens 2022-2028, brei uit teen 'n CAGR van 5.8% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. Die verslag is 'n waardevolle hulpbron vir maatskappye en organisasies wat in hierdie bedryf aktief is. It provides a cohesive picture of the data center power market to help drive informed

    USD 600
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in Thailand 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. The data center market in Thailand is poised to grow by US$ 408.8 miljoen tydens 2022-2028, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 7.7% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode, volgens die data- en ontledingsmaatskappy StrategyHelix. The report is an invaluable

    USD 450
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in Australia 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. The data center market in Australia is set to increase by US$ 1.7 miljard van 2022 aan 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) van 4.7% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The report is an invaluable resource for

    USD 450
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in Thailand 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. Volgens 'n verslag deur StrategyHelix, the data center market in Thailand is set to increase by US$ 363.7 miljoen tydens 2022-2028, groei teen 'n CAGR van 7.1% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The report is an invaluable resource

    USD 450
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in Singapore 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. A study by StrategyHelix indicates that the data center market in Singapore is expected to increase by US$ 1.7 miljard van 2022 aan 2028, 'n CAGR van 7.6% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The report is an invaluable

    USD 450
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in New Zealand 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. The data center market in New Zealand is set to increase by US$ 1,000.1 miljoen van 2022 aan 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) van 15.6% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The report is an invaluable resource

    USD 450
  • Plekhouer

    Data Center Market in Japan 2022

    A data center stores and shares applications and data. It comprises components that include switches, storage systems, servers, routers, and security devices. The data center market in Japan is set to increase by US$ 313.6 miljoen van 2022 aan 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) van 7.8% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The report is an invaluable resource for

    USD 450
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