
Showing 31–40 van 506 resultate

  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Saudi Arabia 2023

    Volgens die jongste skattings, the traditional wound care market in Saudi Arabia is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 4.5 miljoen, versnel teen 'n CAGR van amper 6% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2023-2028. Wound care is essential for promoting healing, preventing infection,…

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Tradisionele Wondsorgmark in Katar 2023

    Volgens die jongste navorsing, die tradisionele wondsorgmark in Katar is gereed om met USD te groei 0.3 miljoen tydens 2023-2028, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 4.2% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The traditional wound care product market is experiencing growth due to various factors

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Oman 2023

    The traditional wound care market in Oman is anticipated to increase by USD 0.1 miljoen tot 2028 teen 'n gemiddelde jaarlikse groei van 2.9 persent volgens die jongste markskattings. The traditional wound care product market is experiencing growth due to various factors such

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Nigeria 2023

    The traditional wound care in Nigeria market size is projected to grow by USD 1.8 miljoen van 2023 aan 2028, registrasie van 'n CAGR van 7.6 persent, volgens die jongste markdata. Traditional wound care products are a type of medical supplies used to manage

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Morocco 2023

    The traditional wound care in Morocco market is expected to increase by USD 6.9 miljoen, teen 'n saamgestelde jaarlikse groeikoers (CAGR) van 7.6% van 2023 aan 2028, according to the latest edition of the Traditional Wound Care Market in Morocco Report. Traditional wound dressing

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Lebanon 2023

    The traditional wound care market in Lebanon is projected to rise by USD 26.6 miljoen deur 2028, volgens die jongste markstudie resultate. Daar word verwag om uit te brei teen 'n CAGR van 13.6 persent gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. The traditional wound dressing market is

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Kuwait 2023

    The traditional wound care market in Kuwait is likely to register a CAGR of over 3.2% met 'n inkrementele groei van USD 0.2 miljoen gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2023-2028. The traditional wound dressing market is a significant segment of the overall wound care market. It

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Kenya 2023

    Volgens die jongste data, the market size of the traditional wound care industry in Kenya is expected to rise by USD 3.0 miljoen met 'n CAGR van 7.2% teen die einde van 2028. Traditional wound dressing refers to the use of conventional materials and

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Jordan 2023

    Volgens die jongste skattings, the traditional wound care market in Jordan is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 0.9 miljoen, versnel teen 'n CAGR van amper 5.2% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2023-2028. Traditional wound dressing products refer to the commonly used materials

    USD 125
  • Plekhouer

    Traditional Wound Care Market in Israel 2023

    Volgens die jongste navorsing, the traditional wound care market in Israel is poised to grow by USD 3.8 miljoen tydens 2023-2028, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 8.3% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode. Traditional wound dressings refer to the use of non-specialized materials and techniques to

    USD 125
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