
Showing 1–10 van 40 resultate

  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Instant Noodles Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste skattings, the instant noodles market in Hong Kong is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 80.2 miljoen, versnel teen 'n CAGR van amper 3.6% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2024-2029. In Hong Kong, the instant

    USD 225
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Pet Healthcare Market 2024

    The pet healthcare in Hong Kong market size is projected to grow by USD 106.2 miljoen van 2024 aan 2029, registrasie van 'n CAGR van 6.2 persent, volgens die jongste markdata. The Hong Kong pet healthcare market is advancing,…

    USD 275
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Toothbrushes Market 2024

    The toothbrushes in Hong Kong market size is projected to grow by USD 36.3 miljoen van 2024 aan 2029, registrasie van 'n CAGR van 7 persent, volgens die jongste markdata. The Hong Kong toothbrush market is driven by the

    USD 225
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Cooking and Edible Oils Market 2024

    The cooking and edible oils market in Hong Kong is projected to rise by USD 21.5 miljoen deur 2029, volgens die jongste markstudie resultate. Daar word verwag om uit te brei teen 'n CAGR van 1.7 percent during the forecast

    USD 275
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Toothpaste Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste skattings, the toothpaste market in Hong Kong is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 38.0 miljoen, versnel teen 'n CAGR van amper 4.1% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode 2024-2029. The Hong Kong toothpaste market is

    USD 275
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Depilatory Products Market 2024

    Volgens die jongste skattings, the depilatory products market in Hong Kong, in terms of revenue, is anticipated to progress at a CAGR of 1.9% gedurende die voorspellingsperiode, 2024-2029. The Hong Kong depilatory products market is expanding due to

    USD 225
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Body Care Market 2024

    The body care market in Hong Kong is anticipated to increase by USD 65.5 miljoen tot 2029 teen 'n gemiddelde jaarlikse groei van 10.5 persent volgens die jongste markskattings. The Hong Kong Body Care market is driven by

    USD 225
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Pet Food Market 2024

    The pet food market in Hong Kong was valued at USD 1,255 miljoen in 2023 na USD 1,852 miljoen deur 2029, vorder teen 'n CAGR van 6.7% van 2024 aan 2029, volgens die jongste markstudie resultate. The Hong

    USD 375
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong, China Coffee Machines Market 2024

    The coffee machines in Hong Kong, China market size is projected to grow by USD 23.8 miljoen van 2024 aan 2029, registrasie van 'n CAGR van 4.3 persent, volgens die jongste markdata. Coffee machines deliver exceptional convenience, enabling users

    USD 250
  • Plekhouer

    Hong Kong Adult Incontinence Products Market 2024

    The adult incontinence products market in Hong Kong, in terms of revenue, is expected to grow by 7 percent annually through 2029, volgens die jongste markstudie resultate. Increased public awareness and emphasis on health and personal hygiene have

    USD 200
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